Sunday, August 25, 2013


shirt- Thrifted     Shorts- Nordstrom      Bag- Target        Belt-  Wasteland      Shoes- Marshalls Sweater- Marshalls          When i first saw this shirt, it wasnt in the thrift store. My grandma was wearing it. I kept telling her how lucky she was to have owned a Zombie Audrey Hepburn t-shirt. it had both of my favorite things: Zombies & Audrey. she told my mom to wash it and give it to me because i kept talking about it, and how much it meant to me. Im blessed to have such a cool grandma like mine. and my parents for letting me be fashionable all the time. I wanted to add a little quirky-ness to my outfit so, i wore my old time-y glasses i got at Claries many moons ago. Although, i dont need to wear glasses i think they're cute for me to wear. They're unique and i havent seen anyone yet at my school wear such glasses, maybe this one girl i saw that had a fabulous style but, shes way older than me. As this school year is about to begin for me on Wednesday (ugh) i keep thinking "what style should i do this year?" "Should i be unique? Boho? Indie?" and right now im thinking, "Why not all three?"(: thanks for reading! join me next time for my OOTDs and much, much more. stay tuned!

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